Yachting experience. A taste of the rich man’s world.

Captain Endoru experiencing his first cruising

It’s definitely a rich man’s world to own such a beautiful yacht

Yachting. When you hear about yachting, what do you imagine? To me, a person who owns a yacht must be real rich as the first condition and indeed not something for me to experience at this age but my dear friend Mya and I were really privileged that a mutual rich acquaintance of ours (our captain wants to keep a low profile so sorry, no pictures of him *hehe*) who was kind enough to invite us onto his yacht beautifully named “Scheherazade”, after the name of the queen in the story of the Arabian nights. It was definitely an enjoyable experience to go cruising around the Tokyo bay and let the wind guide the sails throughout the whole expedition. Definitely looking forward to the next invitation ! Thanks, Captain !

Here are some albums of pictures of the trip for you to see. Enjoy !

Album 1 :  http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=29340&l=47ec9&id=695687901
Album 2 : http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=29345&l=72e89&id=695687901
Album 3 : http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=29348&l=893e1&id=695687901